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Comparez les soumissions d’assurance vie entière et d’assurance hypothécaire des meilleurs assureurs au Canada. Obtenez les meilleures soumissions d’assurance vie adaptées à vos besoins.

Quel type d'assurance choisir?

Life insurance ensures financial security for your family’s future. Explore our options, including whole life and term insurance, with the best quotes in Canada. Safeguard against inheritances, debts, and living expenses affordably with our reasonable insurance plans. Choose peace of mind today.

Term Life Insurance

Assurance vie temporaire

Whole Life Insurance

Assurance Plein Vie

Universal Life Insurance

Assurance vie universelle

Your situation speaks volumes! 

If you identify with any of these points, it’s likely a wise choice to consider obtaining life insurance.

Depuis plus de 25 ans, nous aidons les Canadiens à atteindre leurs objectifs financiers grâce à des soumissions d'assurance vie de premier ordre.

Insurance Quote


For over 25 years, our team at MTL Life Insurance has been dedicated to assisting business owners and families to achieve their financial aspirations. Our team has expertise in various financial services, including whole life insurance, term life insurance, and the best insurance quotes in Canada.

Our life insurance policies and financial tools are expertly organized to meet each client’s needs and goals, guaranteeing personalized solutions that drive economic success with the highest accuracy and efficiency.

Assurance des propriétaires d'entreprise

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Assurance vie

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Hypothèques et prêts

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Assurance maladie et dentaire

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Assurance maladie grave

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Assurance Voyage

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Answers to your questions

For decades MTL Life has provided Canadians with cost effective strategies for financial security and future planning. 

MTL Life is a brokerage with all the top insurance companies in Canada. Companies include RBC Insurance, Canada Life, Industrial Alliance, Manulife, Sun Life Financial, Empire Life, Ivari and many more. This means we have access to all the products across different carries to get you the best insurance for your needs at the best prices.

  1. Initially, you select the duration of your insurance policy along with the desired payout in case you pass away.
  2. Subsequently, you pay a monthly or yearly premium to maintain your coverage. Here at MTL Life, we’re committed to securing the most suitable life insurance for your specific requirements, ensuring competitive pricing.
  3. Should the unforeseen occur, your designated beneficiaries will receive the agreed-upon sum, providing financial protection during this challenging time.

Life insurance is really important for taking care of your family’s finances. It means that when you die, they’ll get a sum of money tax-free. You can also use life insurance to pay off things like a mortgage, car loan, or personal loan.

At MTL Life, we’ve got an easy online way for you to sort out your life insurance, and it won’t cost you extra. Whether you get your insurance through us, another broker, or straight from the insurance company, the price is the same.

Here’s what sets us apart: we compare prices fast to find you the best insurance, all without you needing to leave your home. Plus, we don’t work on commission. That means we’re not trying to sell you a policy that’s too expensive and doesn’t fit your needs.

Now, there’s also something called permanent life insurance. It doesn’t expire, and you can adjust how much coverage you have over time. This type of insurance is better for folks with more complex financial situations or those who need to plan for their estate.

Here’s how you can get MTL Life’s insurance in three simple steps:

  1. Check if you’re eligible: Answer a few health questions to see if you qualify for MTL Life’s insurance.

  2. Figure out how much you need: Use our smart calculator to determine the right amount of coverage to safeguard your family.

  3. Get your price: Choose your coverage and talk to one of our experts at MTL Life to finalize your life insurance plan.

MTL Life’s insurance is known for offering some of the best prices, especially for young parents.

There are two main types of life insurance: term life insurance and whole life insurance. Term life insurance provides coverage for a specific period, while whole life insurance lasts as long as you keep paying the premiums.

Term life insurance is simpler and more affordable. You pay a monthly or yearly premium, and if you pass away during the term, a predetermined amount is paid to your beneficiaries. However, once the term ends, the coverage expires. Many people opt for term life insurance because it’s cheaper and easier to understand.

On the other hand, whole life insurance doesn’t have an expiration date, and the coverage can be adjusted over time. This type of insurance is better suited for individuals with more complex financial situations or those who need to plan their estate.

It’s important to note that there are various types of both term and whole life insurance policies available to meet different needs.

MTL Life offers a comprehensive range of personal insurance, including disability and life insurance. Additionally, we provide thorough financial needs analysis and planning services, tailored to meet the needs of families and business owners alike. Our investment solutions, such as RRSPs and TFSAs, are designed to help you achieve your financial goals effectively. With MTL Life, you can secure your future with confidence and peace of mind.

It’s important to pick an insurance company that you trust and that fits your needs. While many people might go for the cheapest option, it’s crucial that your insurer matches what you require based on your situation.

MTL Life is connected with all the major insurance companies in Canada. So, you can feel assured when selecting the best life insurance available in Canada.

To assist you in making your decision, we’ve compiled a list of insurance companies. Among them are well-known names like Sun Life, Manulife, Empire Life, Canada Life, Humania, iA Financial Group, iA Excellence, Canada Protection Plan, Desjardins, and others.

Assurance vie

Demandez un devis dès aujourd'hui !

Assurance invalidité

Demandez un devis dès aujourd'hui !

Assurance maladie grave

Demandez un devis dès aujourd'hui !

Assurance des propriétaires d'entreprise

We focus on assisting business owners and their families. Whether you need a disability plan that covers business expenses and income with 100% tax-deductibility or life insurance to facilitate a buy-sell agreement among shareholders, we offer personalized solutions designed to meet the unique needs of you, your business, and your loved ones.

Investissements et épargne

We offer diverse investment and retirement savings options to cater to different needs. Whether you are a bold investor seeking high returns in mutual funds or prefer the security of guaranteed returns with an RRSP, our team brings years of investment expertise and a wide array of choices to align with your financial goals and comfort level with risk.


Assurance vie

A life insurance policy helps protect your family if you die. The tax-free amount paid to your inheritors can cover inheritances, financial obligations (debt, mortgage), living expenses, or funeral expenses. A life insurance policy guarantees the payment of a specified amount when the insured dies. We offer a variety of life insurance products from every Canadian insurer tailored to your needs and budget.

Hypothèques et prêts

Our team of lending professionals will assist you in finding the best interest rates available from Canadian lenders, whether you are a first-time homebuyer or a business owner seeking capital.


Assurance maladie et dentaire

Dental and health insurance help protect you from unexpected illnesses and treatment costs, prevent health problems, and allow you to live a healthier life.

Coverage is available for singles, couples, single parents, and families. Individuals without access to this type of insurance through their employers or whose employer’s group insurance plan does not provide adequate coverage should consider this coverage.

With this coverage, you can cover a portion of drug expenses and health care professionals and services such as massage therapists, MRI, dental surgeries and cleaning, optometrists, and much more. Get quotes from several insurers and find the best solution for you.


Tax Savings

Nous offrons une variété de stratégies et de solutions de réduction d'impôts. Avec plus de 20 ans d'expérience financière et des décennies d'expérience commerciale, notre équipe est heureuse d'aider les propriétaires d'entreprises, les particuliers et les familles à optimiser leurs revenus et à minimiser les charges fiscales.


Assurance invalidité

Suppose you cannot carry out your usual work responsibilities due to illness or injury. In that case, this insurance offers a monthly benefit to cover your income and essential business costs. Your occupation, age, gender, salary, and business expenses, this coverage is designed to match your individual risk profile and requirements effectively.

Assurance maladie grave

It provides a tax-free benefit payable 30 days after the diagnosis of an illness covered by the policy. You have the flexibility to select from various insured capital amounts. This insurance lets you and your family prioritize what truly matters in your recovery.

Travel Insurance

Une police d'assurance voyage vous protège contre les pertes financières dues aux frais médicaux (soins médicaux d'urgence, annulation de voyage, évacuation médicale, etc. Profitez de votre voyage en toute sérénité grâce à l'assurance voyage !